Bala, P. (2010) “Old Beads among the Kelabit of Sarawak Conserving their values within a changing social and political context.” Paper presented at the Borneo International Beads Conference on 9 – 10 October 2010 at Parkcity Everly Hotel, Miri. Organized by CraftHub Sarawak and supported by World Crafts Council
Bala, P., and Tan
Chong Eng (ed.) (2018) Methodologies for Bridging the Digital Divide with ICT4D
amongst Remote and Rural Communities
Kota Samarahan: UNIMAS Publisher ( Download here)
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in a Kelabit Village neat the International Border. Dayak Studies
Contemporary Society Series, No. 1. The Institute of East Asian Studies,
University Malaysia Sarawak.
Pariyar, A., Kulathuramaiyer, N., Bala, P.Towards Participatory MOOCs (2020) in
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Faculty of Social Sciences, University Malaysia Sarawak. IN King, Victor T., Zawawi Ibrahim, Noor Hasharina Hassan (Eds.) Borneo
Studies in History, Society and Culture. Springer Singapore. Pp:
Bala, P. (2014) Being Christians in
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Platzdasch, B. & Saravanamuttu, J. Religious
Diversity in Muslim-majority States in Southeast Asia, Areas of Toleration and
Conflict. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Pp: 379 – 399.
Bala, P. (2012) “Redeploying Technologies: ICT for Greater Agency
and Capacity for Political Engagement in the Kelabit Highlands. In James Leach
and Lee Wilson Subversion, Conversion, Development: Diversity and the Adoption
and Use of Information Communication Technologies. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Bala, P. (2010) ‘Re-thinking methodology through e-Bario Project:
From Participatory methods to a relational approach to Information
Communication Technologies for Rural Development’. In Jacques Steyn, Jean-Paul Van Belle and Eduardo
Villanueva Mansilla(eds.) ICTs for Global
Development and Sustainability: Practice and Applications. Hershey P: IGI Global, pages: 1-18.
Bala, P. (2009) ‘Social Shaping of
technologies for Community Development: redeployment of Information
Communication Technologies among the Kelabit in Bario of the Kelabit
Highlands’. In J. Martin & L. Hawkins Information Communication Technologies for Human Services Education and Delivery:
Concepts and Cases. Hershey P: IGI
Bala, P. (2008) ‘National Identity and
Multiculturalism at the Margins: the Kelabit Experience in the Highlands of
Central Borneo’ IN Wan Zawawi (ed.) Representation,
Identity and Multiculturalism in Sarawak. Kuching, Malaysia: Dayak Cultural
Foundation & Persatuan Sains Sosial Malaysia.
Bala, P (2007) ‘From Highlands to Lowlands:
Kelabit Women and Their Migrant Daughters’ IN Hew Cheng Sim (ed.) Village Mothers, City Daughters: Women and
Urbanization in Sarawak. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Ipoi Datan and Poline Bala (2006) “Kelabit and Lun Bawang Communities.”
In Hood Salleh (ed.) The Encyclopedia of
Malaysia, Peoples and Tradtions. Kuala Lumpur: Editions Didier Millet.
Kulathu Ramaiyer N., Bala P., Pariyar A., Kee Man C. and Meenatchisundaram J.
(2020). Preserving Cultural Knowledge through Community-Led MOOCs. IPSI BgD
Transactions on Internet Research (TIR), 16(1), 1-11. Web of Science Core
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Yakup M.R., A.H.A., H.S., S.W.J., Poline
B., D.M. and S.N.A (2019) Batuh Narit Arur Bilit of Pa
Umur: A visual analysis onto a Carved
stone from the Megalithic monuments of the Kelabit Highlands. International
Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 7(6): 912-917.
Mohd Rafee Y., Bin Awang Arshad A., Bin Siri H., Anak Jussem S., Anak Bala P.,
Bin Abol Hassan M., Bin Halim H., Aman Leong S. and Anak Maying D. (2018).
Megalith Cultures of the Kelabit Highlands through Space and Time; Utilizing
Digital Technology in Anthropological Exhibition. Research Update, 14(1), 24.
Weinberger A,
Alario-Hoyos C, Bala P, Batangan D, Delgado Kloos D, Kulathuramaiyer N, Navera
JC, Palis J, Sambul AM, Sy P, et al. Addressing Societal Issues
Through MOOCs in Southeast Asia , in 2018 Learning With MOOCS (LWMOOCS). ;
2018: 78–80.
R., A.H A., H. S., Sylvester Welding J., P. B., D. M. and S.N. A. (2018). Batuh
Narit Arur Bilit of Pa' Umor; A visual analysis onto a carved stone from the
megalithic monuments of the Kelabit Highlands. 4th ASIA International
Conference 2018 (AIC2018), 1(1), 1.
P. (2017). An Overview of Anthropological and Sociological Research at the
Faculty of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. , 1(4), 1.
Goy, Siew & Wong, Swee Kiong &
Abdillah, Kiky & Khatijah Zamhari, Siti & Shazani Masri, Mohd &
Perumal, Christopher & Bala, Poline & Phoa, John. (2016). Applying territorial
approach to rural agribusiness development in Malaysia's aboriginal (Orang
Asli) settlements: A comparative study of Pos Balar, Kelantan and Pos Sinderut,
Geografia Online Malaysian Journal of Society and Space. 12. 109-115.
Bala, P. (2015) "Old and valuable beads among
the Kelabit of Sarawak, Malaysia"
Sarawak Museum Journal (SMJ) Vol LXXV (96). Pp. 45-70.
P. (2015). From highlands to lowlands: Kelabit women and their migrant
daughters. , 1(1), 120-139.
Samani, Mus & Bala, Poline &
Maliki, Jamilah & Harris, Roger. (2013). Bario Community Radio:
Engaging people making news. 1-6.
Bala, P. (2013) Conserving Ancient Beads Within Shifting Context.
Journal Borneo International Beads Conference 2013. Crafthub.
Bala, P. (2012) Researchers- Community
Engagement: Needs Analysis for Telecentre Development among Orang Asli, West
Malaysia. Proceedings of National Conference on University- Community
Engagement, New Directions in Humanities, 22-23 November 2012, Pulau Pinang.
Gani, N., Bala, P. & Peter, T. (2012)
Socio-cultural context and On-going Engagement with Social Change among the Orang
Asli of Kelantan and Pahang: An Analysis for Telecentre Development.
Proceedings of National Conference on University- Community Engagement, New
Directions in Humanities, 22-23 November 2012, Pulau Pinang.
Bala, P. (2009) An Engagement with
“Modernity”? Becoming Christian in the Kelabit Highlands of Central Borneo. Borneo
Research Bulletin, Vol.40: 173-186.
Bala, P., Harris, R.W and Songan, P.,
(2003) ‘E Bario Project: In Search of a Methodology to Provide Access to
Information Communication Technologies for Rural Communities in Malaysia’ in
C.V.Slyke (ed.), Information
Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications (pp.826-839).
Hershey P.A: Information Science Reference, Pennsylvania, USA.
Harris, R.W., Bala, P., Songan, P., Khoo
E., (2001) Challenges And Opportunities In Introducing Information and
Communication Technologies To The Kelabit Community of North Central Borneo, New
Media and Society, Vol. 3, No. 3, September 2001.
Bala, P (2001). Interethnic Ties: the Kelabit
and Lun Berian in the Kelabit-Kerayan Highlands, Borneo Research Bulletin,
Vol.32: 103 – 111
Bala (2002). “e-Bario: a case for empowering rural communities through
Information communication technologies.” Proceedings of Asian Regional
Consultation on Rural Women in Knowledge Societyedited by Usha Raman
Poline Bala (2000). “Space, Place and
Identity: Changing meanings at the Border in Highland Borneo”. Proceedings of
the Sixth Biennial Borneo Research Conference edited by Michael Leigh.
Poline Bala, Elaine Khoo Guet Lien, Peter
Songan and Roger Harris (2000) “Potential Users Profile and Existing
Communication Pattern Among the Rural Community of Bario: A Need Analysis for
the Development of a Telecentre”. Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Borneo
Research Conference edited by Michael Leigh.
Roger Harris, Peter Songan, Elaine Khoo
Guet Lien and Poline Bala (2000) “Methodologies for developing Community
Information Systems in Remote Communities of Sarawak”. Proceedings of the Sixth
Biennial Borneo Research Conference edited by Michael Leigh.
Peter Songan, Roger Harris, Poline Bala and
Elaine Khoo Guet Lien (2000). “Awareness and Usage of Information Technology in
a Rural Community of Bario, Sarawak”. Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Borneo
Research Conference edited by Michael Leigh.
Elaine Khoo Guet Lien, Peter Songan, Roger
Harris, Poline Bala and Tingang Trang. (2000). “Information Technology Literacy
of Rural Secondary School Teachers: A Study in the Kelabit Highlands of Bario”.
Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Borneo Research Conference Borneo edited by
Michael Leigh.
Roger Harris, Poline Bala, Peter Songan and
Elaine Khoo Guet Lien (2000) “Challenges and opportunities in introducing
information and communication technologies to the Kelabit Community of North
Central Borneo”. Proceedings of the Second International Conference in Cultural
Attitudes towards Technology and Communication edited by Fay Sudweeks and
Charless Ess.
Elaine Khoo Guet Lien, Tingang Trang, Pon
Won Sia, Peter Songan, Roger Harris and Poline Bala. (2000). “Rural Secondary
School teachers’ attitudes towards information technology: A study in the
Kelabit Highlands of Bario, Borneo”. Proceedings of the Second International
Conference in Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication edited by
Fay Sudweeks and Charless Ess.
Poline Bala (2000). “Informal Economies at
the border region of Highland Borneo: Lessons and opportunities for BIMP-EAGA”.
Proceedings of the Regional Conference on BIMP-EAGA 2000 edited by Mohd Faisal
Syam Abdol Hazis, Suseela Devi Chandran and Ahi Sarok.
Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life, 2nd
edition Eastword Publications Development, a
division of Lincoln Library Press, Inc. herein after referred to as EASTWORD,
812 Huron Road, Suite 401, Cleveland, OH
Articles on the
culture groups of the world:
Malaysian Chinese,
Malaysian Indians,
Malaysian Malays,
Orang Asli,
Tom Harrison: The
Barefoot Anthropologist (2007) - A biography - presented
by Sir David Attenborough - of the explorer, pioneering anthropologist,
guerrilla fighter, award-winning documentary film-maker and conservationist,
Tom Harrisson. By ICON Films, UK.
Rainforest Child of Malaysia – Two Way Ticket by
ITV UK and Unicef 1981
Invited Speaker at the “Progam Latihan
Borneo Leadership Talk Series 2/2020”, on 3rd September 2020
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Title Paper Presented: Voices of Local Community
Leaders: Leaving no one behind in UNIMAS’s role in supporting SDGs.
Invited Speaker “Empowering Dayak Women
through Education” Zoom Event. 28th August 2020. Title Paper
Presented: Dayak Women in Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges.
Invited Panelist “Forum Masa Depan
Malaysia: Prospek dan Cabaran oleh Kaukus Parlimen Muda Parlimen Malaysia,
2020” on 5th February 2020 at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.
Keynote Address, eBorneo Knowledge Fair 2019 “Indigenous Connections Across Borders.” 22 – 24 October 2019, in Ba Kelalan. Title Paper Presented: Across Border Connections through Space and Time: Implications on Policy Planning of Cross Border Movements in the Highlands of Central Borneo.
Speaker Plenary Panel “Energy Access for Sustainable Development hosted by United Nations Development Programme”, Pullman Hotel Kuching on 15-16th March 2019. Title Paper Presented: Looking Beyond Technologies.
Plenary Speaker at Dayak Chair Symposium on
“Indigenous Identities and Cultures” Faculty of Social Sciences, UNIMAS 2019.
Title Paper Presented: Sustaining Indigenous Identities and Cultures: what can we learn
from around the world?
Visiting Professor/Scholar,
Center for World Austronesia and Indigenous Peoples (CWAIP) at
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan .12 November 2019 – 16th November 2019.
Title Papers Presented: 1) We have Grown Cold: Technology
and Society in the Kelabit Highlands of Central Borneo 2. Jars and
Knowledge: Anthropology, Obligation and Development.
Invited Talk Regional Workshop on “Unpacking Indigeneity in
Southeast Asia” University Malaya 25th -26th April 2019.
Title Paper Presented:Unpacking Indigeneity: FORMADAT, the
Alliance of the Indigenous Peoples of the Highlands of Borneo
Invited Talk Kongres Seni Sarawak 2018
Merancang Ke arah Pelestarian dan Pemerkasaan Seni by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
Cawangan Sarawak on 21 – 22 February 2018. Title Paper Presented:Melestarikan dan
Memperkasakan Persembahan dan Kesenian Etnik Sarawak sebagai penghubung ilmu:
sebuah nota dan isu dari aspek mendokumentasikan tradisi.
Plenary Speaker at Plenary Session 2:
Special MOOC Panel on Women’s Empowerment through Technology. KANITA
International Conference on Gender Studies (KICGS 2018) Press for Change:
Re-imagining and Co-creating Women's Empowerment by Centre for Research on
Women and Gender University Conference Hall, USM 27th & 28th
November 2018. Title Paper Presented: MOOC for Women at the Fringe. A note from
single mothers in Bario and Ba Kelalan, Sarawak.
Invited Speaker at the Law Faculty University
of Malaya on June 17, 2016. Paper Presented: Needs Analysis and Asset Based
Community Development for Telecentre Programme among Orang Asli West Malaysia.
Speaker University-Community Partnership by
Sarawak Development Institute Bilik Gerakan Negeri Wisma Bapa Malaysia 2016.
Plenary Speaker 2nd International
Conference on Media and Society, University Malaysia Sarawak 2015. Title Paper
Presented: e-Inclusion and Media for Asia’s Indigenous Peoples: Lessons Learnt
from e-Bario.
Invited Speaker Forum on East Looking East At
Sabah And Sarawak
by ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore
on 4th December 2015. Title Paper Presented: Building Fortitude:
Negotiating Identities at the Margin of Malaysian Nation State.
Invited Speaker 2nd Smart Village Workshop
by Academy Sciences Malaysia and The Malaysian Commonwealth Studies Centre at
Cambridge: Forum on Electricity Access for Indigenous Communities in Sarawak,
2015. Title Paper Presented: eBario Project.
Invited Speaker Social Transformation:
Rethinking New Directions Conference and Facilitated Workshop organised by The
Social Development Council, Ministry of Social Development Sarawak. Pullman,
Kuching October 30th – Novermber 1st 2014. Title Paper Presented: Traditional
and Cultural Sustainability and Social Transformation: What is the Way Forward?
Keynote Address 12th International Borneo Research
Council Conference: Diversity and Dynamism in Borneo (BRC2014), 2014 Universiti
Malaysia Sabah. Diversity and Dynamism in Borneo – The (Re) Positioning of Agency in
Sustainable Development
Invited Speaker
at the Roundtable on
Protecting Nature in the Heart of Borneo: Stocktake, Present Challenges, Future
Directions. 5 – 6 September 2012 by ISEAS, Singapore. Heart of Borneo and the Impact on Indigenous Communities, Sarawak.
Title of Paper Presented: Protecting
Nature in the Heart of Borneo (HoB): the Kelabit Perspective/Experiences on
Speaker at the Family as School of Peace, organized by WFWP
at Marriot
Hotel, Miri, Sarawak on 29th September 2012.
Title of
Paper Presented: Multicultural
Perspectives and Practices of Peace.
Presenter at Borneo Studies Workshop: The State-of-the
Art and Future Directions,
30 November – 1 December 2012 at UBD, Brunei. Title of Paper Presented: Sociological and Social
Science Research at University Malaysia Sarawak.
Invited Presenter at the
Malaysia Public Policy Dialogue: Marginalization, Poverty and Education: Social
Reality and Policy Reform Option, 20 December 2011 at UCSI
University, Malaysia. Title
of Paper Presented: Marginalization, Poverty and Education
Social Reality and Policy Reform Options: Some Observations/ Notes from
Sarawak. Organized
Bala, P.
(2010) “Old Beads among the Kelabit of Sarawak Conserving their values within a
changing social and political context.” Paper presented at the Borneo
International Beads Conference on 9 – 10 October 2010
at Parkcity Everly
Hotel, Miri. Organized by CraftHub Sarawak and supported by World Crafts
Bala, P. (2009) “Documenting Traditional
Knowledge: Some notes/issues from Sarawak.” Paper presented at the Seminar
Pengetahuan Tradisi ke Arah Pembangunan Harta Intelek: Peranan Muzium dalam
memartabatkan Warisan sebagai Penghubung Ilmu dan Harta Intelek by MyIPO at
Kuala Lumpur Convention Center on 24-25 April 2009.
Bala, P
(2008) “Redeploying Technologies: Information Communication Technologies for
Greater Agency and Political Engagement in the Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak East
Malaysia.” Paper presented at the Subversion, Conversion, Development: Public
Interests in Technologies Conference by Centre for Research in the Arts, Social
Sciences and Humanities University of Cambridge, UK. 24 – 26 April 2008.
Bala, P.
(2008) An engagement with “modernity”?: Becoming Christian in the Kelabit
Highlands of Central Borneo.” Paper presented at The 6th
International Malaysian Studies Conference (MSC6), Crowne Plaza Riverside
Hotel, Kuching, 5 – 7 August2008
Bala, P.
(2007) Information Communication Technologies for Greater Agency: the Kelabit
Engagement with e-Bario, Paper presented at e-Bario Knowledge Fair, Bario
Telecentre, Bario Kelabit Highlands, 6-9 December 2007. [Presenter]
Bala, P.
(2007) E-Inclusion and Media for Asia’s Indigenous Peoples: Lessons Learnt from
e-Bario, UNDP/e-Bario Agenda on ICTs for Indigenous People at the 3rd
Knowledge Conference (GK3),organized by Global Knowledge Partnership. Kuala
Lumpur Conference Centre (KLCC), 11-13 December, 2007. [Presenter]
Bala, P. (2006) “Issue of power & Community
participation in “development” in the Kelabit Highlands: Lessons from e Bario
project.” Paper presented at the 2006 Biennial BRC Conference –
Borneo in the New Century. Organized by: Borneo
Research Council and Institute of East Asian Studies, UNIMAS July 31 – August
1, 2006 at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Kuching Sarawak.
Bala, P. (2003)
“Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D).” Paper
presented at Special Event: Information and Communication Technology for
Development (ICT4D). Organized by Swiss Commission on the Information Society
and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, in Berne Switzerland March 26th,
Bala, P. (2002)
“e-Bario: a case for empowering rural communities through Information
communication technologies.” Paper presented at Asian Regional Consultation on
Rural Women in Knowledge Society. Organized by FAO and the International Crops
Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. At Campus of International Crops
Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patacheru Andhra Pradesh, India.
16 – 19 December 2002.
Bala P. (2002)
“eBario and ICT-enabled Development; South-South Exchange.” Workshop on
ICT-enabled Development; South-South Exchange. Organized by M.S.Swaminathan
Research Foundation (MSSRF), Chennai India in collaboration with Humanist
Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (HIVOS), International
Institute for Communication and Development and International Development
Research Center of Canda (IDRC), at MSSRF, Chennai India. 21 – 28 October 2002.
Bala, P. (2002)
“Research Agenda – Experience and Lessons from eBario Project.” Paper presented
at DAGS Workshop for Bridging the Digital Divide (BDD) Pilot Projects.
Organised by National IT Council, Malaysia. Awana Genting Highlands Golf and
Country Resort, Pahang Daul Makmur, 23 – 25 September 2002.
Bala, P. (2002)
“Providing equal access to information communication technologies for
communities for rural communities in Malaysia: Experience Learned from the
implementation of the e-Bario project.” Paper presented at the Information
Technology in Regional Areas Conference 2002. Rockhampton Queensland,
Australia. 26 – 29 August, 2002.
Bala, P (2002)
“Building Capacity at the local level for a Knowledge Society: Experience
Learned from the Implementation of the e-Bario Project.” Paper presented at
Infosoc Malaysia 2002 – K-initiatives for Improved Local Governance. Organized
by National IT Council of Malaysia and Ministry of Housing and Local
Government. At Magellan Sutera Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, 4 – 5 June 2002.
Bala, P. (2002)
“Teknologi untuk pembangunan Keluarga dan Masyarakat. Projek e-Bario, Sarawak.”
Paper presented at Seminar Kebangsaan Tecknologi Maklumat: Pembangunan Keluarga
dan Masyarakat. Organized by Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM). Dewan
Besar, IKIM Kuala Lumpur, 26 – 27 March 2002.
Bala, P (2001)
“Multiculturalism, religion and state at the margins: the Kelabit Experience in
the highlands of Central Borneo”. Paper presented at International Workshop on
“Religion, State and Post-Nationalism: The Southeast Asian Experience” at
University Malaya.
Bala, P. (2000) "Borders and Regional
Economic Co-operation: Challenges for BIMP-EAGA", paper presented at
Seminar Politik Malaysia dan Isu-isu Serantau anjuran Kumpulan Teras Politik
dan Hubungan Antarabangsa, Fakulti Sains Sosial, UNIMAS pada 22 Januari 2000 di Dewan Kuliah 2,
Roger Harris, Peter Songan, Elaine Khoo Guet
Lien and Poline Bala (2000) “Methodologies for Community-Oriented Content"
Paper presented at Infosoc 2000: Access and Equity Benchmark for Progress
organized by NITC Malaysia, Sarawak State Government, Sarawak Information
Technology Resource Council, Sarawak Information Systems Sdn Bhd, MIMOS Bhd, PIKOM di Crown Plaza Hotel, Kuching Sarawak (7-9
June 2000)
Poline Bala, Elaine Khoo Guet Lien, Peter
Songan and Roger Harris (2000) “Potential Users Profile and Existing
Communication Pattern Among the Rural Community of Bario: A Need Analysis for
the Development of a Telecentre.” Paper presented at Conference Borneo 2000
organized by UNIMAS and Sarawak Development Institute. (10-14 July 2000) Crown
Plaza Hotel, Kuching Sarawak
Bala, P. (2000) Space, Place and Identity:
Changing Meanings at the Border in Highland Borneo. Paper presented at
Conference Borneo 2000 organized by UNIMAS and Sarawak Development Institute.
(10-14 July 2000) Crown Plaza Hotel, Kuching Sarawak
Roger Harris, Poline Bala, Peter
Songan and Elaine Khoo Guet Lien (2000) “Challenges and Opportunities in
introducing information and communication technologies to the Kelabit Community
of North Central Borneo.” Paper presented at Conference Catac 2000: Cultural
Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication organized by Murdoch University.
Di Tradewinds Hotel, Perth (12 - 14 July 2000)
Bala, P. (2000) “Informal economies at the
Border regions of Highland Borneo: Lessons and opportunities for BIMP-EAGA”
Paper presented at Regional Conference on BIMP-EAGA 2000: Socio-economic
Co-operation in BIMP-EAGA by Faculty of Social Sciences, UNIMAS (October 18-19 2000) Merdeka Palace Hotel,
Bala, P. (2000)“e-Bario Telecentre
Development Project.” Paper presented at
e-Rural Symposium on Rural IT Development organized by UNIMAS, IDRC, MIMOS Bhd.,
Sarawak State Government. Hilton Hotel, Kuching Sarawak. (22-23 November 2000)